The Silver Lining 

Casey Seymour has been a working musician for many years playing in bands such as Croy and the Boys, Living Grateful, Chris Catalena, Wil Cope and Cerise, to name a few.  Touring at a young age he was also intrigued by recording.  After he played drums on the highly anticipated Living Grateful album "Peace Mob" he wanted to spend more time in the studio where they recorded, Public Hi-Fi.  He landed an internship there, and with the willingness and passion to help around the studio, turned the internship into a paid position assisting long and rigorous sessions for Spoon. Working close with Jim Eno, Brad Bell and Matt Gerhard setting up sessions for their albums "They Want My Soul" and "Hot Thoughts". 

 After a few years of touring around the country, playing a few nights a week at local Austin honky-tonks and working full time positions in the service industry, it was time for a change.  He had built out a studio in the hill country of Dripping Springs at a young age and returned home to the gateway to the hill country to expand on the renovations.  After learning band member Greg Enlow from Living Grateful had taken his own life, Casey experienced a deepening depression and anxiety.  Reaching out to the SIMS foundation in Austin, a non-profit that provides mental health counseling to musicians, he was able to locate a counselor within walking distance from his the studio.  A life changing recovery pushed him into momentum of getting back into recording studying Julia Cameron's Artist Way books.  Becoming a homebody due to COVID-19, he got into the studio and finished recordings he had been working on slowly for years. His dream of having his first EP recorded soon turned into a reality.  Little did he know that all the hard work he had put into the studio would be where he would be spending all of his time due to the coronavirus lockdown.  The silver lining of the virus for Casey has been finally having the time to record and get music ready for release he had always dreamed about. 

The silver linings from not being able to play live shows or tour, became a journey of discovering how to release his own studio compositions.  Croy and the Boys are also working on an album remotely and he is currently tracking drums.  Through these hard times he is finding that staying creative can be the best medicine for depression.  While in quarantine, he finds inspiration in filming montages of clouds and fixing up musical equipment once thought to be unrepairable. 

His first single is was an instrumental collaboration with his best friend Joel English entitled, "Casio Clouds".  Learning the program, Final Cut Pro, he's been making videos and released a video for his first single "Casio Clouds" September 4th.  The EP entitled "Hidden Hills" is currently in the final stages of post-production and will be available December 23rd 2020.  Follow Casey on instagram (@sunsetcanyon) to stay informed about releases and new videos.  His latest release was entitled "We Persevere", a strength we could all use during this time of uncertainty.